Use "damage|damaged|damages|damaging" in a sentence

1. Have damage control report all damages.

2. It's very easy to do more damage to those damaged photos.

3. Action for damages – Non-contractual liability – Marketing of compound feedingstuffs for animals – Actual damage

4. Recoverable pecuniary damage is a diminution of the victim's patrimony caused by the damaging event.

5. (Action for damages - Non-contractual liability - Marketing of compound feedingstuffs for animals - Actual damage)

6. No damages can be given in replevin action unless Counterclaimed by defendant; elements of damage

7. Can Cornrows damage your hair? You don’t have to worry about cornrow styles damaging your hair

8. The most damaging single storm is the 1926 Miami hurricane, with $157 billion of normalized damage.

9. The act of damaging something by breaking it Breakage is also the damage caused by breaking something

10. The typhoon damaged various crops, and monetary damage was estimated at $200,000 (1997 USD).

11. Officials - Actions - Action for damages - Annulment of the contested unlawful act - Appropriate reparation for non-material damage

12. Officials – Actions – Action for damages – Annulment of the contested unlawful measure – Adequate compensation for non-material damage

13. Barbuda While Antigua received little damage during the 2017 hurricane season, Barbuda was seriously damaged

14. Apoptosis controls the orderly death of damaged cells, whereas necrosis occurs as a result of tissue damage, causing the loss of both damaged and surrounding cells.

15. If there was actual combustion of the damaged goods, however caused, there has been damage by fire.

16. Clamp inflicts damage and traps the target for 2-5 turns, damaging the target at the end of each turn

17. The Bailor can recover damages from the bailee if any damage caused to the goods bailed due to the bailee’s negligence

18. Well, damaged nasal passage, damaged throat, damaged lungs...

19. They can exclusively cause surface damage, but more often tissues deeper underneath the skin have been severely damaged.

20. Noguri injured one person, damaged one house, and caused about $4 million (¥504 million JPY) in agricultural damage.

21. The most common damaging species is the fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, but the beet Armyworm, Spodoptera exigua, can also cause significant damage

22. To fix or determine the amount of (damages, a tax, a fine, etc.): The hurricane damage was Assessed at six million dollars

23. What Are Compensatory Damages? Compensatory damages are money awarded to a plaintiff to compensate for damages, injury, or another incurred loss. Compensatory damages are awarded in civil court

24. Damaging government property.

25. The trio seeks $ 25 million in damages, plus unspecified punitive damages.

26. Export crops such as bananas or coffee were greatly damaged as well, with damage amounting to $325 million (1998 USD).

27. From Damage, Loss & Theft *By opting out of shipping protection, is not liable for lost, damaged, or stolen items

28. Although it is more difficult to damage the surface of Anodized versus non-Anodized aluminum, its surface can still be damaged.

29. Note: Abilities, Espers, Items and Spells must be damaging in order to count (aka target Brachium, whether they deal actual damage or not is irrelevant)

30. ((Appeal - Actions for damages - Second paragraph of Article 340 TFEU - Excessive duration of the proceedings in two cases before the General Court of the European Union - Damage allegedly suffered by the applicants - Material damage - Bank guarantee charges - Causal link - Default interest - Non material damage))

31. Bronchiectasis creates a vicious cycle; infections in airway pockets damage your airways, and when your airways are damaged, you get more infections

32. Action for damages

33. The author appealed, claiming damages for lost opportunities, aggravated distress and punitive damages

34. The DNA damage and repair theory proposes that the ability to repair the damaged DNA decreases with age in different living systems .

35. (Action for damages — Non-contractual liability — Milk — Additional levy — Reference quantity — Conversion undertaking — Forced sale of the holding — Damage — Causal link — Limitation period) (First Chamber)

36. Contractor's liability is limited to a reasonable level, with its aggregate liability under the contract and the liquidated damages capped, and normally excluding consequential damage.

37. These are very damaging allegations.

38. Smoking is damaging to health.

39. Kaiser Friedrich III suffered minor damage to her bow, while her sister was slightly damaged in the compartment that housed the steering engines.

40. Near Terschelling, Gneisenau struck a mine that did minor damage to the hull, though the explosive shock damaged one of her three turbines.

41. The Condom gets damaged by sharp fingernails or jewellery you use oil-based lubricants, such as lotion, baby oil or petroleum jelly, with latex or polyisoprene Condoms – this damages the Condom you're using medicine for conditions like thrush , such as creams, pessaries or suppositories – this can damage latex and polyisoprene Condoms, and

42. The action for damages

43. He was awarded punitive damages .

44. The plaintiff was awarded damages.

45. Crackling is an Invention perk that damages the player's target every 60 seconds for 50% ability damage per rank in PvM, or 10% per rank in PvP

46. 2.6 The author appealed, claiming damages for lost opportunities, aggravated distress and punitive damages.

47. The Camshaft and its bearings have been damaged: This is a much more severe type of damage, requiring that the bearings also be repaired

48. Dismisses the action for damages

49. Action for annulment and damages

50. How Noise Damages Our Hearing

51. The court awarded heavy damages.

52. Abnormal concentrations may indicate damaging growths.

53. How damaging are ants to plants?

54. If the charge connector on your device or on the power adaptor is damaged, don't plug it in, as it could permanently damage the device.

55. To avoid damaging your device, accessories or any connected devices, and to reduce the risk of personal injury, discomfort, property damage or other potential hazards, follow the precautions below.

56. To avoid damaging your device, accessories or any connected devices, and to reduce the risk of personal injury, discomfort, property damage or other potential hazards, follow these precautions below.

57. Smoking seriously damages your health.

58. The jury awarded punitive damages .

59. The judge awarded exemplary damages.

60. To avoid damaging your phone, accessories or any connected devices, and to reduce the risk of personal injury, discomfort, property damage or other potential hazards, follow the precautions below.

61. To avoid damaging your phone, accessories, or any connected devices, and to reduce the risk of personal injury, discomfort, property damage, or other potential hazards, follow these precautions below.

62. Abridgment of damages means the right of a court to reduce the damages in certain cases

63. The court upheld a jury award of USD # in actual damages and USD # in punitive damages

64. / ˌkɒm.pənˈseɪt.əri / given or paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged, or to pay for something that has been done: He was awarded $3 million in Compensatory damages.

65. The damages to Explorer are catastrophic.

66. He received damages for personal injury.

67. " The Japanese Corpus of civil law" forty-fourth paragraph " legal person for the director and other agents in the performance of duty to others and damage, liability for damages.

68. Smoking can be damaging to your health.

69. Bleed, poison, and ignite are damaging Ailments.

70. Damaging cosmic rays also bombard the planets.

71. I suspected her of damaging the equipment.

72. Lead is potentially damaging to children's health.

73. Action for annulment and for damages

74. Pornography damages marriages and families by

75. Avoid damage - maintain safety! Not only can damaged hydraulic hose assemblies cause a company unexpected expense, under certain circumstances they can also lead to severe accidents

76. Using damaged cables or power adaptors, or charging when moisture is present, can cause fire, electric shock, injury or damage to the phone or other property.

77. How could he not be damaging me?

78. Weapons systems damaged.

79. The action for damages is rejected.

80. The court will assess the damages.